Tuesday, April 12, 2011

March 30 - NOLA

Another long day! I find it crazy that 3 days can feel so much like a week. It really seems like we've been gone for so much longer than 3 days. It's very sad to think that within 24 hours, I'll be back home and getting ready to go back to my usual life. Real life always seems so far away when I am with everyone on these trips. They really are the highlights of my year.

We got up early again this morning and made our way to the goodbye party. There were lots of bright and shining faces and some that were not so bright, but still there. NOLA, and the infamous Hurricane, claimed a few victims I think.  As usual we all scrambled to capture those last fleeting moments to keep us company until the next trip rolls around. Photo after photo, smile after smile and laugh after laugh, then it was over. Just like that the park began to empty out and with the blink of an eye, the Field Trip was done.

While everyone gathered at Mr B's Bistro, for dinner, Angie and I wandered around the quarter and found a nice place by the Square to eat, although it did take forever for our food. Once finished, we headed off in search of the others and surprisingly ended up at Pat O'Brien's to soak up the last of the NOLA culture.

Finally, giving in to the need to pack as well as the need to sleep, we made out way back to the hotel room. After packing and my shower to wash away the French Quarter odor, I'm now lazing in bed, recounting the last hours of my trip. Tomorrow it's off to the airport and back home, but the memories will always be here.

Still to come.... Nathan's lecture and Belfazaar's lecture. They should be up in the next few days.

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