Tuesday, September 7, 2010

An inconvenience while attempting to protect my privacy

Okay, while I appreciate Twitter keeping an eye on everyone's privacy and such, it really became a huge inconvenience for me this week. I use a desktop gadget program to monitor and tweet while I am working on my laptop called Twitter Explorer. When the new privacy settings went into effect, my twitter gadget stopped working and there was no explanation as to why.

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't always read every word of the emails that I get from these sites. This one I skimmed, but I didn't really compute what this meant, until I booted up one evening and saw the dreaded Yield sign that meant my twitter stream was interrupted for some reason. I tried and tried,I even ran malware and virus scans, but couldn't figure it out, until J2 reminded me about the email.

Next thing I did was try to locate a new gadget which had been updated with the new settings, so that I grant it access and the world continues as it should. That wasn't as easy as I thought. I tried 7 different gadgets, and not one asked for the access, which meant they hadn't been updated. *Sigh* I ended my search last night, with no gadget to show for all of my efforts.

Today, I was bound and determined to get a new gadget. I tried the same ones, and finally one worked! Now, I don't love it, but it will do until Twitter Explorer updates to the new format, which I hope will be soon. It's called Tweetz, for those of you who require a twitter gadget to feel whole again.  All I can say about this situation is *grumble grumble*

Look, privacy is great, and I love that Twitter respects that, I really do. The thing is, if I add an app or gadget, I've added it. I don't want it to quit on me because someone else decided my privacy settings weren't adequate. Please Twitter, stop playing with my rights to privacy, otherwise I may end up with many of your pretty little birdies flying around my head...

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