Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A return to things I missed without realizing it

So, upon finishing Ally's Story, which coincidentally got it's first rave review from Angie today, I knew that I would be returning to finish Jen and Robert's story. In preparation for this, I went back and began reading book 3, from the beginning today. I have to say this one thing, I forgot just how much I loved these two!

I know that may sound weird, considering they came from my mind, of course I would miss them. The thing is, I always knew that they would be there. I know their story, their mannerisms and their love as well as I know myself. I always always knew that I would go back, the scary thing is, it will be for the last time now. How do I let go of two people who live in my mind, as if they truly do exist in real space and time. the prospect of doing so makes me a little sad.

I've already begun to pick up their story, and it essentially writes itself, I am merely the means to share it. So there it is. I have restarted working on something I hadn't realized that I had missed so much. I wonder how much I will miss them when it is over. When they no longer occupy the corners of my mind, what will reside there? I can't imagine not having them there, it almost seems like losing a family.

So I will let the story flow out of me, but know this, it will be a bittersweet ending for me, and I will miss them.

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