Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Today's writing prompt

You find out that you will die in five years or less. How did you find this out? What would you do in those five years?

Well, I mean, first thing, how would I find out I'm going to die in five years? Realistically, if a psychic or something told me, I would hardly believe them...Let's do with a doctor says I have some medical condition that will kill me in five years, but I get to live normally until that time.

The prospect of only having five years left to live your life seems daunting. I would definitely try to start a family as quickly as possible. I would love to spend my remaining years watching a baby grow into a person, Seeing all the wonder of life through their eyes. Watching them have as many firsts as humanly possible.

I would also do all of the things you always put off. You know what I'm talking about. The trip you want to take but push out for whatever reason, the things you wanted to learn but you put off. I would do as much of that as I could in the time I had remaining.

I would also take the time to go through my belongs and organize them so the people let behind wouldn't have to do that. I would take the time to make sure that I organize and go through the photos I have and put them into albums and label each one (I should do this anyway lol). I would just take the time to make sure all my things are organized and it's easy for others to deal with when I'm gone.

Lastly, I would take the time to write my story. Write as much of my life as I can possibly remember, not only for me to remember, for my children (if I have them) and my family. Leave behind a piece of myself, in my own words.

So, that prompt was a little sad and morbid. Hopefully tomorrow is better....

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