Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Trying to get back on track

Over the last 6 months I did a lot of writing. I started yet another novel, and I have written about 475 pages, and then hit a stalemate. Coronavirus along with trying to submit writing to my first college level writing course has made me hit a bit of a block. Today I purchased a book of writing prompts. I am going to use my blog to work out these writing prompt.

Describe an important item from your childhood. Why was it important and where is it now?

When I was about 12 or 13 I wanted nothing more than to get an electric typewriter. I tried saving my money all summer long, the typewriter was about $120 with taxes all in. During the CNE, we used to help my mother and grandfather work at a parking lot to help raise funds the neighbourhood rec centre. We used to be paid about $20 to stand and flag cars to the parking lot.

On the very last day, which coincidentally was my birthday, when we finished and closed our parking lot, I did a count of all my savings and I was about $40 short. I was devastated. I had wanted that typewriter, with is different font wheels, so badly. My uncle realized how upset I was and agreed to go back out to the parking lot with me and work until we made the money. We charged $2 per car, and he kept a running total. When we hit the $40, we closed the lot, and headed home.

We walked in, and he handed me all the money, and told my mom to take me to the store the next day to get my typewriter. The next day, after dinner, we headed to the store and picked it up. As soon as I got home, I pulled it out of the box, and typed my first letter on it. I was so happy. I think I was even happier once I had fully worked and raised the money all myself.

That typewriter was my go to writing implement until my mother purchased a computer about 9 or 10 years later. I still used the typewriter even more than the computer, and I carried it with me until I was well into my 30's. I finally had to retire it, and a part of me still misses it to this day. The font wheels in their little plastic holder cases, the ribbons, the sound of the click, click, clack. I can still here it now...

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