Monday, August 30, 2010

An exciting thing that happened to me on Saturday...

So, I wanted to write about this Saturday night, but it was my last video interview and I really didn't want to overshadow the experiment. Okay, the only person who would be excited about this is me and it probably wouldn't overshadow anything, but it needed a day all of it's own:)

So Friday night I worked Fan Expo at the last minute for an old boss of mine. She gave me a start in a whole new field, so whenever she asks me for a favour, I can never turn her down. I put in 3 hours, after working 8 hours at my regular job, and afterward I went inside to check out what was inside. There were a whole bunch of really cool guests in appearance, but one stood out to me, Felicia Day.

I've really wanted to meet Felicia for quite a while. She seems just amazing. She is the writer, producer and star of the web series The Guild. As far as women role models go, she is awesome. It's nice to see women in roles of power. I love the fact that she is the writer or an amazing web series that focuses on gaming and how gamers see and relate to the world around them. the characters are so well written and believable that I look forward to every Tuesday, just to check out the next episode. Check it out here:

I found my way to her line, but they had cut it off for Friday night, so I sadly walked home and hoped to make my way back at some point the next day. Early the next morning, before I began work for the day, my brother and sister told me to head off to Fan Expo. I was excited when I got there. The line was huge for Felicia (with good reason), and I began to line up to meet her. I found someone to chat with about geek stuff while I waited and finally it was my turn.

When I stepped up to talk to her, I kind of felt like an idiot...for about two seconds. Felicia looked at me and told me she loved my hair colour! Look, I know that too anyone else that isn't really a big deal, but wow! Amy, the girl who plays Tinkerballa, was so excited when I said that this is now my natural colour. (I've been dying my hair the same colour for 15 years, it has brought out the natural red and now I just dye it to cover the dreaded gray). I told Felicia how much I admire her writing skills, her thoughts on gaming and he acting work. She genuinely thanked me, then her and Amy took a photo with me (which none of the other guests would do unless you paid for the photo op).

Look, I know that my five minute encounter isn't very interesting, at least not to anyone who doesn't run in the geek circles and know who Felicia Day is, but for me it was a moment that I won't forget. I finally got to meet a woman who I really admire and I even got to walk through a geek version of Thanksgiving. I was really nervous and almost didn't talk to her, but I did and I am glad. I urge you all to take that chance and meet someone you admire, no matter how nervous and intimidated you are, you won't regret it.

Here is my pic with Felicia and Amy...

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