Thursday, July 22, 2010

One more day to go...

So I have almost come to the end of my crazy week of overworking. I worked both Bon Jovi/Kid Rock concerts, and tomorrow I work an Argos game.  I must admit that I am exhausted. Between the work and the heat, things are making me very tired. I feel like...well, like I need the vacation I am working to pay for.

The second Bon Jovi/Kid Rock concert was great. They improved the sound and lighting, but at the expense of shutting down 6 sections in the 500 level, which is coincidentally where I was working customer service last night *sigh*.  I ended up running back and forth between the two booths on opposite sides of the 500 level helping to distribute new tickets. By the end of my shift, my foot was very swollen, and I was exhausted. To be honest, all I wanted to do was go home to bed, but I had a ticket to see the show so I watched Bon Jovi's set, which was really great. I'm glad I went, even though I paid the price today.

One more shift, and I will be able to go on FT9 without leaving myself in debt when I return, which was the goal of this gruelling week. Just one more shift....

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