Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A day of confusions with a shining spot at the end

So, for some ungodly reason, I woke at 3:01am after not turning in until 1:30am. Since I was up, I went to the washroom and restarted the DVD I was watching to fall asleep again. Morning came way to early. I got up, and headed to work, only to realize that I had a massive day ahead of me. I had a meeting regarding building access and settings for the G20 summit (another whole rant of it's own) and then a trip to our alternative clinic site location to get familiar with it in case of a fire or need to evacuate our current site. Very. Long. Day.
For some reason, mid afternoon, the guy I dated when I was 16, until I was 18, decided to start messaging me to tell me he was getting a divorce. Now, I'm all for sympathy, but I don't need to know all the details of the failed marriage. Eventually, what I knew was coming did come. He asked me to go to dinner, or a walk or a movie or something. Really? Why do guys think that I just wait around 15 years to date them again? And why do they think that it's okay to ask me out as if I'm just an afterthought? I nicely declined, explaining that I have a no dating rule in place, mostly due to instances like this.
The bright spot on the horizon was my PRS book chat. After waiting a month, and reading the book twice, the day finally arrived. Ryan's opening questions were fabulous and then the new added Skype option for questions was great. I gave Heather a question to ask, since she wasn't able to come up with any of her own, Mercy asked one and I asked one. It was a very nice, interactive way to feel more a part of the chat. I hope it is something they continue.
Tomorrow, I get to go to the bookstore *hands rubbing together happily* to purchase the new book club book. I love bookstores. Everyone is there for the same reason, to find something to engage them and expand their mind. I also love that the nearby Chapters has comfy chairs and couches for you to read in if you choose to. Being surrounded my so many writers is always moving.
Until next time...keep knowledge alive and read a book.

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