Saturday, June 26, 2010

G20, the beginning of the end of Toronto

Today, as a result of the world leaders invading my city (I say invading because we didn't vote for this) I have lived through my first day of terror, in my own neighborhood. I live about 3 blocks from the G8 summit, to my right, and 8 blocks from the G20 summit, to my left. I literally feel like I am caught in the eye of a tornado or something.

Watching the news, I've become disappointed in my fellow Torontonians, but I also understand that a lot of these people have come to my city with the intent to take part in this craziness. People protest for their right to do something, how does that turn into chaos? Why do people have to cause destruction to prove their point?
The destruction that I have witnessed around me today is astounding! There have been police cars set on fire (4 in fact), riots, looting, and police officers have been assaulted with bottles and other things. I walked to the bank, 2 blocks away, and I was hit in the gut with a feeling I can't describe. It was like my "spidysense" was tingling. Something feels like it is coming, but I have no idea what.
I've walked the streets that are under attack many times, my favourite and most frequented shops are right there. It really hits home to see them broken and battered on the TV screen. As I wonder how long it will take to put the city back together, I can't help but wonder who thought this summit would be a good idea?
Still one more day to go....they better get something good out of this for all it has cost us.

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