Friday, June 11, 2010

The more things change, the more people stay the same

I went back to work today, following my field trip experience. While I was tired, still running on PRS time, I was re-energized. The day flew by as I pushed through the back log that appears when you take a few days off. There were constant questions of "How was your trip?" This is understandable, since I never take vacations, I use my vacation days for errands because that's what grown ups do. I used to always think that way, that I had to do everything when it needed to be done, now I just don't.
My few friends noticed a change in me. They said I seemed refreshed, more confident and something else they just couldn't put their finger on. I do feel all of those things, but that thing they couldn't put their finger on, that's the feeling of freedom. I went to another country, on my own, to spend 3 days with people I had never met before. I found a freedom in their acceptance, their kindness and genuine liking of who I am. It was something I wasn't expecting, but something I realize now, that I needed.
I miss all of my friends so much already, and yet they are all still there, waiting for me, in a little chat box on Skype and PITV. Whenever I need them, they are a click away, but always with me. The lessons I learned and the things I've discovered about myself make me sure that we see each other soon.

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