Sunday, June 13, 2010

An epic save

Okay, so this week has been jam packed with paranormal activities, first the Field Trip, then PITV returning, then Lorraine's talk last night. Needless to say, these events have led to many late nights and lack of sleep. When I got home from Lorraine's talk last night, I noticed the alarm was set on my clock, but couldn't think of why, so I turned it off...big mistake.

I woke up at 9:30 and heard my BlackBerry buzzing. Suddenly it hit me that I had to work at 10:45 this morning. I got up, rushed around, made coffee and headed off to my first Argos shift of the year. For those of you not familiar, the Argos, or Argonauts, are Toronto's Canadian Football League team. Every year, I sign up to work these events because the tailgate parties, the energy of the fans, and the attitude of the staff makes it really fun. Today however, I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep, until I got there.

After pulling on the dreaded "Go Boatmen!" t-shirt, I made my way to the windows and was greeted by a half a dozen people I hadn't seen in months. Hugs ensued and then we all got down to business, the business of catching up, laughing, telling stories and occasionally selling tickets. A friend of mine asked about my trip and I told him about all the friends I had made, the hotel I had survived and the bus trip I conquered. He laughed at my stories and told me that I seemed different somehow, making my day.

I walked home from that shift, as happy as I always am after being there. I got home, lay down on the couch and fell asleep watching Stargate Atlantis. I woke up and finished eating just in time for the True Blood premier. Not going to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet, but all I can say, this could be and interesting season. Bring on the wolves!

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