Sunday, June 13, 2010

An interesting evening, to say the least

I spent the day lounging around the house today, thinking, cleaning and watching Stargate Atlantis (something I am just discovering). Throughout the afternoon, I helped my fellow parapeeps (wince) try to make #buellshit a trending topic on Twitter. Much to our dismay, the world cup kicked our butt. We were hoping some Twitter love/hate would get The Chief to post our Field Trip 9 announcement, again without the favoured results.
My roomie and I headed out to dinner before Lorraine's lecture. What an amazing woman. We were both a little surprised when she was so open about Ed and their relationship, since it hadn't been so long since he had passed. She and Tony showed some photos they had gathered with apparitions or ghost in them, which was really interesting.
After a short intermission break, they delved into the possession and exorcism portion of the lecture. It was interesting to see photos and hear explanations about the Amittyville case, since so much of what I had known was based on details that were released by the media. It was startling to hear their battles as a result of the investigation. They moved on to footage of an actual exorcism and I just can't come up with the words to describe it, it was raw, and that's how I felt at the end.
They did a short question and answer period, which was pretty informative. I found it very unnerving that Tony kept looking at me. When I mentioned it to my roomie as I left, expecting her to blow it off as my mind playing tricks on me, she said she had felt the same way. I wonder what was up with that?
There was a raffle draw for a reading with Lorraine, which after the way Tony had looked at us, I was glad we didn't win. We took a picture with Lorraine and then headed home, happy with the evening.

It was an added bonus to hear from Agent-S that she had in fact read my blog and thought it was awesome. An great topper to an already awesome night!

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