Wednesday, June 16, 2010

An epic tech fail that almost reduced me to beating an inanimate object that I consider a life line

Well, today was an interesting day, to say the least. To anyone who follows me on Twitter, you probably already have an idea what tonight's post is in regards to.

I had a major bibliography, and by major I mean need by the President of the company, due before noon today. I had 10 references to log and add into the bibliography at 9:30 when I arrived. I've been experiencing problems with my computer for months and I have been patiently waiting for a new one to make it's way to me, as promised by the IT department. Every time I tried to input a new reference, the computer would freeze up for about 20 minutes at least.

After lunch, a person from IT came and switched my pathetic 512mb of RAM to 1GB. After that, things really went south. Instead of freezing for 20 minutes, it only froze for 10 at a time, but every time I tried to open a PDF document, Adobe would generate a fatal error and terminate. By 4:30, I had only managed to log 7 references, and past my deadline.

Now, I am a lover of most things tech, with the exception of Apple (that's a whole rant that could fill many a post), but I have never had the urge to smash a piece of tech like I did today. At one point, when I got up to leave my desk as I headed to IT for the 12 time today, I looked at my co-worker and said "feel free to pour some acid into the infernal machine, it's not like it's of any use anyways." I was quite saddened by the fact that I actually wanted to kick a piece of tech, more than once today. It almost felt like a betrayal of my favourite item.

The point of this rant, I will be much more present on the forums tomorrow, because right now, I am fully incapable of doing my job since 90% of it requires the use of Adobe. *Sigh* A day of boredom lies ahead.

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